I sneak out of bed (three o'clock in the morning, am I the only one routinely awake at this hour?), tiptoe to the kitchen, flip open my laptop and...OMG where did Julie find those haunting Rope Lamps she pinned to her white mood board? Repin.
And repin Alexa's photo of black ballet flats and repin Janet's kitchen table and...
This obsession is new to me. Blame the weather. Unlike our big sister Remodelista, which has been on Pinterest for an eternity (at least six months), we at Gardenista were a little distracted; we were outside digging or pruning or watching the hummingbirds flit around on the crazy-high salvia in the front yard.
But now that we've developed the addiction (and pinned a photo of my hummingbirds to our Mill Valley pinboard), we find amazing images every day, of everything from Squirrels Wintering in Birdhouses to Espaliered Trees to Outdoor String Lights.
We want to repin from your boards, too—follow us on Pinterest and we'll pin one or more of your images on our pinboards.
Above: Outdoor String Lights via Pinterest.
Above: Our Outdoor String Lights pinboard.
Above: We dream of spending a night in a platform tent at Paperbark Camp in Australia. For more tiny, cozy getaways, see our Cabins and Cottages pinboard.
Above: Dried seedpods in Shirakawago, Japan (pop. 1,734). We discovered this image via Hello Sandwich and added it to our Gardenista pinboard.
Above: It took us months to track down the source of this image, which came from Skona Hem; it was one of those situations where every time we tried, the Internet told us sternly that the site was down. Then one day we ran across the pin again, clicked and learned you can buy this balcony greenhouse by Kekkila; we added it to our Balcony Gardens pinboard.
Above: We get a DIY urge every time we look at the images on our Stepladders as Planters pinboard. Know of any more examples? We're looking for inspiration.
Follow us on Pinterest here.