Prop up a mirror near a house plant and watch it primp. The reflective powers are very flattering. Here are five of our favorite pairings:
Above: The multiplying effect of a mirror's reflective surface turns a potted plant or two into an entire garden. Photograph via Coffeeklatch.
Above: Small mirror, big impact. Photograph by Aya Brackett. For more, see "A Seasonal Celebration: Creatives Included."
Above: A bough or two, transformed into a forest. Photograph via Light Locations.
Above: Silvery tillandsias look even more so in front of a triptych mirror. For more, see "Miss Havisham's House Plants."
Above: Photograph by Sarah Lonsdale. For more, see "Plundering a Painter's Garden."
Above: Photograph via Justina Blakeney.