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Gardening 101: Eastern Redbud Trees


Eastern Redbud, Cercis canadensis: “Pea Flowers”

In early spring the distinctive and profuse flowers of eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis), a small tree native to eastern and central North America, defy color-description. Are they pink? Rose? Purple? Lilac? We need a new redbud word. Clustered against the gray bark of their leafless branches, the darker buds (magenta?) open to a thick and pale pink pelt, giving the tree a psychedelic and slightly prehistoric appearance.

Read on to learn how to cultivate this native tree, and why.

Photography by Marie Viljoen unless otherwise noted.

Redbud is listed by the USDA as endangered in New Jersey and of “special concern” in Connecticut. This means that the tree is disappearing from what is left of its native habitat, as development eats away at natural areas. The good news is that planting native species such as redbud in our gardens has a buffering effect against this loss and also gives us the real pleasure that this striking spring performer unleashes in early spring.
Above: Redbud is listed by the USDA as endangered in New Jersey and of “special concern” in Connecticut. This means that the tree is disappearing from what is left of its native habitat, as development eats away at natural areas. The good news is that planting native species such as redbud in our gardens has a buffering effect against this loss and also gives us the real pleasure that this striking spring performer unleashes in early spring.
The unique flowering habit of redbud makes it an effective  showstopper, whether planted where it will contrast unapologetically with swaths of daffodils, or in a more restrained and indigenous garden.
Above: The unique flowering habit of redbud makes it an effective  showstopper, whether planted where it will contrast unapologetically with swaths of daffodils, or in a more restrained and indigenous garden.
Redbud is a modest-sized tree, making it a good choice for small and urban gardens where space is at a premium.
Above: Redbud is a modest-sized tree, making it a good choice for small and urban gardens where space is at a premium.

Equally happy in sun or semi-shade, redbud is a natural understory tree which also adapts well to the high shade created by clusters of city buildings. Cold hardy redbud will grow in USDA zones 4 to 9. Its one steady requirement is ample moisture; this is not a tree for dry areas.

The famous pea-like flowers are not only pretty but edible. Add a handful to a salad or to summer rolls for a burst of crisp sweetness.

One cultivar offers eye-poppingly neon pink blossoms: ‘Appalachian Red’ is not exactly red.
Above: One cultivar offers eye-poppingly neon pink blossoms: ‘Appalachian Red’ is not exactly red.
And if redbud pink is not your thing, choose cultivars such as ‘Royal White’, ‘Texas White’, and ‘Alba’ for their cool and calm white blooms.
Above: And if redbud pink is not your thing, choose cultivars such as ‘Royal White’, ‘Texas White’, and ‘Alba’ for their cool and calm white blooms.

If you would like an alternative to green leaves, ‘Forest Pansy ‘ has deeply purple foliage.

In late spring the trees leaf out and flowers are transformed into seedpods resembling snap peas.
Above: In late spring the trees leaf out and flowers are transformed into seedpods resembling snap peas.

The appealingly heart-shaped foliage rounds out the slender trees and creates deep shade beneath the branches. In fall the leaves turn a bright yellow.

Cheat Sheet

    • Some subspecies of Cercis canadensis will tolerate drier conditions: ask for C. canadensis var. mexicana and C. canadensis var. texensis at native-plant nurseries.
    • Redbud is the state tree of Oklahoma.
    • Native Americans enjoyed the flowers as food.
    • George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew the tree in their gardens at Mt. Vernon and Monticello.
Photograph by MFDavis via Flickr.
Above: Photograph by MFDavis via Flickr.

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