A fence is an important safety feature if you have a swimming pool; you don’t want anyone drowning.
Legal requirements for swimming pool fences can vary depending on municipal or state law. But no matter what the rules are where you live, you can install a swimming pool fence without sacrificing style for safety . Here’s proof—we’ve rounded up ten stylish swimming pool fences made of materials ranging from wood to Cor-ten steel for inspiration.
Wooden Fences

Horizontal wooden slats allow air and light to circulate, making a swimming pool deck feel spacious.

Pasture Fences

Take cues from the surrounding landscape. In western Massachusetts, where a gently sloped grassy expanse borders a swimming pool deck, architects O’Neill Rose opted for a pasture fence to reinforce the bucolic agricultural atmosphtere.
Limestone Fences

An elevated pool deck makes a limestone fence feel more like a pony wall. Softened with plantings—clumps of Miscanthus grasses mix with the dusty purples of Russian sage, yellows of black-eyed Susans, and the wheats of Calamagrostis— the bulk of the stone fence recedes into the landscape.
Split Rail Fences

A rustic split rail fence encloses a swimming pool, making it feel like a distant destination.
Cor-ten Steel Fences

See more of this project in Australian Open: A Romantic Landscape in the Southern Highlands.
Concrete Block Barriers

See more in 10 Genius Garden Hacks with Concrete.
Brick Walls

The contrast of old brick against a silvery modern wooden deck creates a peaceful atmosphere surrounding a swimming pool in Winchester, England.
Coyote Fences

At landscape architect Tait Moring’s own home, the swimming pool disappears into the surrounding landscape. “It’s very simple,” says Moring. “There are a lot of spring-fed swimming holes around here and I was trying to create an illusion to them with the design.”
See more of this swimming pool at Landscape Architect Visit: At Home with Tait Moring in Austin, TX.
Tree Cut-Out Fences

See more of this project, which was a finalist in our 2017 Considered Design Awards, at Rustic Canyon Residence.
Poured Concrete Walls

“One of the best ways to create durable and versatile hardscape elements is with poured-in-place concrete,” writes our contributor Kier Holmes. Read more at Hardscaping 101: Poured-in-Place Concrete.
Are you designing a new swimming pool or updating the hardscape around an existing one? Start with our curated design guide to Swimming Pools 101 in our Hardscape 101 guides. Read more: