Hardscaping 101: Wicker Furniture Care
Does your outdoor wicker furniture require cleaning to get it in shape for the outdoor season? Here's everything you need to know to care for it: Wicker is a word used to describe nearly any woven...
View ArticleCurrently Coveting: Ikea's New Wicker Collection for Summer
After a successful bonding trip to Ikea last week, my friend Stephanie and I were putting our loot on the checkout belt when she happened to glance over at a nearby table with a messy pile of...
View ArticleBringing Up Baby: A Bavarian Barn for Pygmy Goats
Instead of erecting a prefab shed to shelter his herd of pygmy goats on a dry, grassy Bavarian slope in eastern Germany, architect Michael Kühnlein built a tiny wooden barn for less money, using...
View ArticleMagic Trick: How To Make Your Hydrangea Change Color
I'm not saying blue hydrangeas are necessarily better than pink ones. It's just that the particular color is so rare—"hydrangea blue" is not a hue that belongs to any other plant or any other anything...
View ArticleTrending on Remodelista: The Ultimate Indoor-Outdoor Kitchen
The Remodelista editors joined us in the garden this week to see what all the fuss is about. They found a floor plan for the ultimate indoor-outdoor kitchen—and it looks like they got a little color in...
View ArticleCurrent Obsessions: Welcome to Brooklyn, Hillary
With Hillary Clinton renting space in Brooklyn (hipster headquarters for a presidential campaign?), Francesca naturally had some advice about how she should decorate it: Above: Francesca's living room...
View ArticleThe 7 Best Climbing Roses for Your Garden
Standing tall in my back garden is a large crab apple tree that I disdain but for one attribute: it is the best climbing tree around. I'm not talking about for my children, rather for my gorgeous,...
View ArticleTable of Contents: Oceania Outdoors
Join us for a week of lounging in the relaxed informality of Australia's best gardens. We'll visit lush gardens that need barely any water, spruce up our patios with stylish handmade planters, and...
View ArticleDesigner Visit: A Courtyard to Covet in a Modern Melbourne Garden
A small garden in Melbourne suburb Toorak was a blank canvas the first time designers Cameron and Stephanie Paterson of Grounded Gardens saw the site. During a recent remodel, the existing garden had...
View ArticleShopper's Diary: Garden Objects in New Zealand
We've long admired New Zealand-based designer Katie Lockhart's carefully curated home accessories shop Everyday Needs, so we were happy to hear that her brother Jared has launched Garden Objects, a new...
View Article10 Garden Ideas to Steal from Australia
Autumn in April is business as usual in Australia. Why have it any other way? As these gardens show, there is a liberation from being closer to the east than the north. Here are 10 modern ideas to...
View Article10 Easy Pieces: Retractable Garden Hoses
My bias against As-Seen-On-TV miracle products kept me from paying much attention to a new generation of lightweight, kink-free garden hoses that stretch and shrink like rubber bands. Until I saw one...
View ArticleIkea Hack: DIY Midcentury Planters on a Budget
In Austin, Texas homeowners Heather and Mike Banks had been searching "for a long time for tall-ish planters for our front door entry," said Heather. But every option they liked "cost more than we were...
View ArticleAt Home with Eco Garden Entrepreneur Joost Bakker
Born in the Netherlands and transplanted to Australia at age 9, Joost Bakker—the son and grandson of tulip farmers—earns a living as a florist, delivering and arranging flowers he grows on his own land...
View ArticleSteal This Look: Mattress Springs as DIY Wall Art
We immediately decided to recycle in style after we spotted a unique garden feature—rusted bedsprings attached to a brick wall—in the suburban Melbourne garden of designer Andrew Plymin. As Plymin...
View ArticleDIY: The Flowerpot Pendant Light
We have a fondness for the earthy warmth of terracotta lighting—see 10 Favorites: Terra Cotta Pendant Lights. But it wasn't until we spotted Australian garden designer Joost Bakker's DIY approach that...
View ArticleLow-Cost Luxe: 9 Pea Gravel Patio Ideas to Steal
At a cost of about $5 a square foot, a pea gravel patio is easy on the budget (especially if you open the 50-pound bags and rake the gravel yourself)—and can be a surprisingly elegant hardscape element...
View ArticleHardscaping 101: Outdoor Fabric Care
Often referred to as high-performance fabric, outdoor fabric is the textile equivalent of a race car. Finely tuned to stand up to the elements without fading, mildewing, staining, or deteriorating,...
View ArticleEtsy Find: Hanging Cloud Planter from Australia
You know that mild dizziness you feel when you lie on the grass, watching the clouds glide by in the sky? Australia-based designer Margie Rahmann and her husband, Justin, make and glaze their shallow...
View ArticleEscape to Tasmania: An Obsolete Pump House Turned Eco Lodge
Pumphouse Point was originally just what it sounds like: a hydroelectric power station, perched over Tasmania's Lake St. Clair. Decommissioned in 1990, today it finally sees action: as an eco-lodge set...
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