Take the El to 46th Street and Get Off at the Farm
For a long time, a weed-clogged vacant lot in the shadow of West Philadelphia's elevated train tracks looked so much like the sad, forgotten sliver of land it was that it was practically a cliché....
View ArticleAsk the Expert: How to Create a Beautiful Edible Garden
The steps to creating a kitchen garden sound deceptively easy: build some raised beds, plant vegetables, harvest. Recently when we featured LA garden designer Art Luna's work, he revealed his secrets...
View ArticleSelf-Watering Terracotta Planter by Joey Roth
Good news for the slackers among us: a self-watering planter. Designer Joey Roth's self-watering terra cotta planter does require filling with water once in a while but that's it. Plants are placed in...
View ArticleHerb Fever: A French Alchemist at Market
Our friend Mimi Giboin just got back from a trip to France (she was visiting her parents, who live in the town of Royan on the southwest coast). Lucky for us; she pulled out her camera and took some...
View ArticleBeautiful Plant Pots from Putikmade
You can never have enough ceramic vessels. At least this is true in Sweden, where most every windowsill is covered in potted plants (we have wide sills due to thick house walls). Here is a nice...
View ArticleA Bohemian Grove in the Napa Valley
As a child, I would walk down the street awarding points to each house and garden I passed. I had completely forgotten about this habit until I realized that when I moved to the Napa Valley, I had...
View ArticleDIY: How to Save Seeds for Next Year
I'm the first to remind friends that we've still got three weeks of summer to bask in, but in the garden there are signs of a shift in the season. As crops begin to go to seed, rather than bemoaning...
View ArticleGardenista Giveaway: 66 Square Feet, A Delicious Life
"One woman, one terrace, 92 recipes" is how Brooklyn gardener Marie Viljoen describes her brand-new cookbook. Her tiny 66-square-foot edible garden, planted in containers on her fourth floor terrace,...
View ArticleDIY: Pears Roasted in Red Wine
Brooklyn blogger Marie Viljoen's brand-new cookbook 66 Square Feet: A Delicious Life has arrived on my doorstep just in time. The pear tree in my backyard is an overachiever this year. I've canned...
View ArticleThe World's Best Houseplants
Struggling to find the perfect houseplant? When it comes to plants you'll share space with, emotions run high. You may want a leafy houseplant, or maybe one that's small and tidy. Perhaps a tropical...
View Article10 Easy Pieces: Seed Saving Envelopes
Whether you're saving them for yourself or giving them away as gifts, here are ten envelopes to help store your seeds this fall. Above: Not designed with seeds in mind per se, these vertical...
View ArticleSlide Ranch, at the Edge of the World
If America's open space movement was born and gained its early momentum in northern California—and it was, and it did—then perhaps it should not come as a surprise to find 134 acres of the world's most...
View Article10 Easy Pieces: Trugs and Harvest Baskets
You've toiled to reap a bounty from your garden. Don't let it drop now. Equip yourself with a trug to collect and carry your harvest. We've rounded up our favorite wooden and woven garden trugs to do...
View ArticleThe Best Tasting Zucchini?
If you plant zucchini, you will eat zucchini. Every day. For weeks. You will make zucchini bread, zucchini sauce for pasta, fried zucchini, sauteed zucchini, grated zucchini in eggs, and—around the...
View ArticleGet the Look: Farmers' Market Flowers
Labor Day might signify the unofficial end of summer for us humans, but our many-petaled friends know better than to think we've entered fall just yet. In New York, September means farmers' markets...
View ArticleRoots on Display: Terra Hydro by 10¹²
Japanese designers "[ 10¹² ]" understand that there's more to plants than what happens above the surface. Their Terra Hydro vases are modeled on terrariums, but they're designed with the express...
View ArticleA Simpler Way of Life Found at the Deer Isle Hostel
At the Deer Isle Hostel in Maine, guests sign up for more than a typical escape from reality. The Deer Isle Hostel is located on an island that's just a bridge span away from the mainland, but for...
View ArticleWheelbarrow Chic from La Mule
The French word for "mule" is easy to translate (la mule), rather like "le weekend," which is when you are most likely to use La Mule. As its name implies, this wooden barrow from France is a hard...
View Article10 Best Garden Design Apps for Your iPad
The iTunes store is not making things easy with its mind numbing array of garden design apps—all of which promise to change your life. We sifted through the clutter, tested a ton, and came up with ten...
View ArticleA Tiny Backyard Studio on Wheels
When I walked into the MUJI SOMA store in San Francisco the other day and saw the Mobile Garden House on display, I forgot my shopping list and started fantasizing about my new tiny backyard studio on...
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