DIY: A Potent Potpourri With Grapefruit, Rosemary, and Vanilla
Feeling cooped up after the holidays? Feel refreshed instead with this bright, citrus-y stovetop potpourri that does double duty by humidifying the air and helping it to smell good. Photographs by Erin...
View ArticleConfessions of a Repentant Plant Assassin: 6 Ways to Revive Neglected...
I’ve killed more houseplants than I’d like to admit. Some of that is due to having a job that requires me to travel two weeks of every month, and the other part is about not having the patience to...
View ArticleAsk the Expert: 10 Tips for Office Plants, from The Sill
Your desk needs a houseplant. So does mine. But the last thing we need is to show up at the office one morning, in the middle of a dreary January, to find the little fellow's leaves have shriveled and...
View ArticleDIY: A Desktop Zen Garden
Sometimes working in a creative field can feel like living in a Tom Cruise spy film. Like when you open an email from your editor inquiring if you might be willing to create a desktop Zen garden of the...
View ArticlePlants on the Job: A Cautionary Tale
Not all office plants get the love and attention they deserve. When San Francisco-based photographer Kirk Crippens began work on Foreclosure, USA—an examination of the effects of the foreclosure...
View ArticleBest in Show: Office and Work Studio Greenery
Does your office feel a little too Dilbert? Here's a quick fix: banish institutional cubicle culture with a little greenery (a plant or two will improve air quality too). Here's some inspiration,...
View ArticleDIY: A Living Wall for the Office, Lazy Person's Edition
Here's a confession of sorts: I don't really like living plant walls. They make a space feel claustrophobic. Even spooky. And that's before I think about the work of maintaining a thriving tropical...
View ArticleSalad Days: Grow Your Own, at Work
The perfect place to grow food crops is where it’s dry, sunny, and 68 degrees all year round. California? The Algarve? Actually, it’s somewhere closer to home—or in this case, work. According to Dutch...
View ArticleShopper's Diary: No. Six Depot Roasters in the Berkshires
Housed in a former train station dating to 1834—the oldest in the Berkshires—No. Six Depot café and coffee roasters in West Stockbridge, MA imports coffee beans from around the world from small farms...
View ArticleBring a Plant to Work—and Sit on It
Earlier today we admired the way Dutch artist Nienke Sybrandy urges us to grow a garden in the office (why not sow lettuce in your desk?). We forgot to mention...we're also charmed by Sybrandy's...
View ArticleGarden-to-Table Recipe: New Year's Cleanse
It's January and the season of cleanses and detoxes is upon us. Full disclosure: I don't really go in for the idea of cleanses. I'm far too devoted to cheese and chocolate to imagine voluntarily giving...
View ArticleDesign Sleuth: A Starburst Vertical Garden
Designed by San Francisco-based O + A, the Silicon Valley offices of Evernote feature an exuberant explosion of tillandsias against a white wall. Some people might think the vertical garden looks like...
View Article6 Ways to Green Your Office in the New Year
Itching for a little office sprucing in the new year? If applying for a LEED-certified renovation isn't in the cards, consider these six easy ways to freshen your office and make sure that your work...
View ArticleThe Week in Review: Starting Fresh
We might have creaked our way back into the office this week, but we've got some serious greenery up our sleeves that we can't wait to share with you in 2014. Here, a collection of inspiration we...
View ArticleShopper's Diary: Tiny Worlds Under Glass at Twig Terrariums
I first noticed the Twig Terrarium store on my way to Runner and Stone, the Gowanus restaurant and bakery. The two are neighbors, comprising a tiny pocket of cool on unlovely Third Avenue, which, even...
View ArticleDIY: Bookshelf Compost Farm
When we run across a really amazing gardening idea—like desktop composting or a bookshelf garden—we get really excited. We find out everything we can about the product, publish photos to give you ideas...
View ArticleKitchen Visit: Eating from Mollie Katzen's Garden in Berkeley
There may be people who have done more to revolutionize cooking in America than Mollie Katzen, but I don't know any. I was thinking about this the other day, as I driving across the bridge to visit her...
View ArticleGarden-to-Table Recipe: Mollie Katzen's Smoky Brussels Sprouts and Onion
The rap on vegetarian recipes in the 1970s was that many were so loaded with cheese and butter that they might as well have been desserts. Not so these days. "Nowadays the ingredients we can get are...
View ArticleDIY: Reviving the Cold Frame
Cold frames can seem like damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't season extenders. By the time it's warm enough to plant, your garden beckons for your attention in every other direction. You blink, and...
View Article10 Easy Pieces: Vegetable Peelers
The best vegetable peelers are those that go unnoticed; they just do their job smoothly and quietly. It's only when we have to fight with dull blades, peel clogs, and cumbersome handles that peelers...
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