The Week in Review: To Good Health
It doesn't take the team at Gardenista much convincing that there's a link between good health and gardening. But in case you still need to be won over, we've had a week's worth of posts proving that...
View ArticleHerb Fever: A French Alchemist at Market
Our friend Mimi Giboin just got back from a trip to France (she was visiting her parents, who live in the town of Royan on the southwest coast). Lucky for us; she pulled out her camera and took some...
View ArticleArchitect Visit: Barn-Like Living (Only Better)
Do you dream, like I do, of living in a barn? The big caveat, of course, is that you need to have a barn to convert. Typically that involves either owning property that happens to have a few spare...
View ArticleArchitect Visit: A Garden Workshop in Cambridge
After coming into possession of his grandfather's workbench and tools, London-based architect Ben Davidson of Rodić Davidson Architects designed a perfectly proportioned shed for them in his garden. We...
View ArticleDIY: How to Force Muscari Bulbs
You can keep your paperwhites. Yes, I know they're foolproof to force. But to me, grape hyacinths mean spring. So this year I decided to pass on the no-brainer bulbs to instead see just how hard it...
View ArticleShopper's Diary: Flowerland in SF's East Bay
Some people, on Sunday afternoons, might visit a park, or a café, to read a book or spend time with a friend. But just north of Berkeley, in Albany, CA, people come to Flowerland. It isn’t just a...
View Article10 Easy Pieces: Bulb Vases
I've decided that my bulb-forcing containment strategy needs to gain in its sophistication from my childhood bulb-forcing days. Toothpick-supported bulbs in a paper cup just don't do the trick on my...
View ArticleNorwegian Wood: Garden Sheds, Retractable Roof and Walls Included
On Norway's coast, a 12-mile stretch of the Hustadvika shoreline faces the shallow waters of a fjord—dangerous for ships but home to many small, picturesque islands and reefs. From the land, the views...
View ArticleThe Best $50 Valentine's Roses You Can Order Online
The Bouqs Company, a new online floral delivery company based in Venice Beach, California may be the way of the future. We can only hope, as it's pretty slim pickings when it comes to finding quality...
View ArticleSteal This Look: English Writing Shed
Virginia Woolf did much of her writing in a converted shed, situated in her garden at Monk's House in Rodmell, Sussex. If you want to see more of her garden, see Required Reading: Virginia Woolf's...
View ArticleFor Valentine's Day: Frances Palmer Bud Vases
I'm an unabashed Valentine's Day enthusiast. I have my parents to thank: my dad for bringing me and my sisters sprays of pink carnations picked up from Grand Central Terminal bodegas on his evening...
View ArticleThe Cult of the Wild Camellia
As a native of Cape Cod, where plants have to scratch a weathered existence out of sandy soil and salt-spray air, I've always had a soft spot for wilder plants. This may be one of the reasons I never...
View ArticleShopper's Diary: Vintage Tools from Garden & Wood
How complicated is a hoe? There is the Dutch hoe, the draw hoe, the push pull hoe, and so many more. Despite this variety in shape and name, the one-size-fits-all approach to most modern tools means...
View ArticleDIY: Grow an Indoor Compost Garden
Stews certainly help to take the chill out of winter. That's why we make a lot of these warm and hardy meals in our house. But it seems a shame to consign all the lovely leftover vegetable scraps—the...
View Article10 Easy Pieces: Potting Shed Brushes
What makes a perfect brush? We think it is one that is made from natural materials, hard working, and great looking. Our ideal potting shed has a kit of brushes that can tackle a variety of duties....
View ArticleGarden Visit: The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
It takes a certain brand of stick-to-itiveness to make it through a New England winter. Just when you think it's over, it covers April's daffodils with a dusting of snow. Luckily, there are places...
View ArticleDesign Sleuth: Wire Pot Hangers
Potted plants are life affirming and full of joy, especially when they pop up unexpectedly, mounted on an interior wall. The difficulty is figuring out how to attach the cylindrical shape of a pot to...
View ArticleGarden Sheds and Outbuildings from the Gardenista Gallery
Although they're inherently practical, there's something romantic about garden sheds and outbuildings. As extra spaces, they're not required to meet the basic needs of a main home. As demonstrated...
View Article10 Easy Pieces: Glass Cloches
It might be rare to see the original oversized French garden cloches protecting delicate winter greens in the outdoor garden, but glass cloches still have their place on mantelpieces and bookshelves...
View ArticleRecipe: Winter Kale Salad
We spotted a most springlike winter kale salad via our friends Nathalie Myrberg and Matilda Hildingsson, the Swedish graphic design team (and excellent cooks) at Babes in Boyland. They've created...
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